Colchester UK
Belle Vue Road CO1 1XA, Theatricool
Mondays: 7:30pm
Call: Martine on +44 7514 808294

Instrutora Martini
Martine Mensink
In 2008 she started capoeira in the Netherlands with Batuque capoeira Holland and straight way fell in love with this art form that she trained everyday.
In 2009, she had the opportunity to travel to Brazil with her group, and was amazed by the Brazilian culture and experiencing capoeira in full power mode.
In 2011 Martine moved to New Zealand and joined Aruandê capoeira led by, at the time, Professor Pererê. For a few years she trained regularly and by the time Aruandê became Ungu capoeira School she was part of the core of the group.
When Pererê moved to Australia Martine was expecting her first child, but she took over the group in Wellington until she moved away with her family to Tauranga, NZ. There she did some kids classes and organised local workshops. She then had to stop playing capoeira for most of her second pregnancy.
In 2019 moved to Colchester, UK and for the last 4 years living there have been a bit more challenging in regards to training regularly due to parenthood and being away from the Ungu crew, but she is finding her ways to keep going. Martine trains online and visits capoeira schools and attends events around her home and in London.
What has kept her in capoeira all these years is the way we move our body in capoeira, the community, the way of life, the Brazilian culture and the realization that the more you learn the more you realize you do not know, so you might as well keep learning and experiencing.
In 2023 after 15 years involved in capoeira Martine was awarded her instrutora corda.